Every one has something with his/her daily. For example, ring, watch, markup-box and wallet. If you miss one someday, and you feel loses yourself. Wallet, most people have one because you need put ID, money, or bank card on it. I put most these in my wallet, and my family picture too. For most of immigrates it does matter where they live because they traditionally live their family, which is parents, and siblings. I came to the U.S. by myself. Family is thousands miles from me. Since I have been lived in the U.S. for many years, the most important things, that I have been forced to me lose a big part of my family connection. Therefore I always put my family picture in my wallet. Whenever I open my wallet I can see them all the time, and I miss them so much. One important less I learn since I have came to the U.S. I have never known I love my family so much. Maybe it is I can’t see them as frequently as I would like to. You own something you won’t feel very special but one day you lose it, then you will feel sad. Don’t be waiting, life is short, and treasure you have on you hand today. Let you parents, brother, sister or husband/wife know you love them every day. Even though, they know you love them say to them” I love you” it is very simple. Do it now.I knew in Chinese culture people don’t say often on these words. These are most priority less I learned in my life.
This is so sweet. I always have my family's photo in my wallet too. It makes me smile whenever I open it.
Yong xian said: you look like me tnat every time You miss your family.
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