Modern, original fiction for learners of English. A plane crashes in the middle of the desert in Oman leaving a pilot and his family hurt and stranded. The pilot begins a journey across the desert to get help but collapses from exhaustion. He is found and taken to a nearby hospital but he is unconscious and no one has any idea who he is or where he has come from. Meanwhile time is running out for his wife and son who are waiting in the desert for help to arrive.
In order to save his family, Morern struggled for long time. he dont think he will die in the desert. He tried to walk twenty kilometers to find some one to help them. Finaly, some people save Modern's life, and sent him to the hospital. The other think that his wife and his son will die in the desert, but Morern never give up. He think that there should have someone will save his family. Luckily, his wife and son were saved by some one else. Consequently, Moreren and his family have been saved.
I enjoyed to read this story. It was easy to understuand for me. This story was so exciting. it can touch me so much. I can immagine that situation. It is very terrible. Anyway, there is something else i need to learn freom Modern. Life is hard for me too. Just the strong man can live in the world. Work hard!!!
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