The book was written by Charles and Mary Lamb. There are seven stories in this book. The stories were used to teach people the difference between right and wrong. The characters are shown as good or bad, and they are very clear in each story. All stories were from Shakespeare.
“The Tempest” is the first story. The story happened in Milan in early seventeenth century. Prospero, the true Duke of Milon, was robbed of his position by his false brother, Antonio, with the help of the King of Naples. Antonio forced Prospero and his daughter into a small boat for them to die. But a Kind Lord, Gonzalo secretly placed some water, food, clothing, and books in the boat. The food lasted until they landed on an island in the sea. Prospero lived in a cave with his daughter. He kept his books, dealt with magic, and set spirits. Ariel was the chief of the spirits. After twelve years, Ariel obeyed him, and Caliban, a monster, also obeyed him as a servant. Prospero ordered to start a great storm because the King, his son Ferdinand, and his cruel brother were driving on to the island. Ferdinand was the first jumping into the sea. Prospero ordered Ariel to make Ferdinand safe to meet Miranda, his daughter. Then they fell in love. Next, Ariel brought the King, Antonio, and old Gonzalo for Prospero who first called Gonzalo, his life-saver. Antonio begged to get forgiveness. The King said too was sorry. Prospero forgave them, and they promised to give back his title and property. Antonio was filled with such shame and sorrow that he cried and was unable to speak.
I like this story because it shows power struggle, magic powers, and funny love. Prospero had power struggles for twelve years to set spirit powers. His magic power made things so well. The love story between the King’s son and Prospero’s daughter were very funny and sweet. The King said they should celebrate the happy marriage of Prince Ferdinand and Miranda after their retuned to Naples. I enjoyed the story end in the happiness. I liked that Prospero forgave his enemies. His enemies were so ashamed and sorrowful. I learned how to forgive from Prospero. I should forgive anyone even if they are wrong. Give a chance to them. Maybe enemies will become friends.
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