Friday, March 14, 2008

Family or Job

Living without family is a very serious problem, and perhaps everybody should face it in the future. However if you are an adult, maybe you will be accustomed to be along as soon as quickly because you could not depend on your parents anymore. Nevertheless, if you are a child, especially when you are seven, eight year old, and your mother or father does not live close to you, you will be gloomy and feel unequal when you see someone to play with his family. Unfortunately, I am a one of these unequal people. Because the Chinese government police changed, the Chinese government encouraged people to work outside the country. My father lest my family for five years, and he worked abroad when I was thirteen years old. I think that there are three main influences for my life because my father changed his job and left us.

First of all, my father ignored my family member’s feeling. My father was a famous chef before he went to the United States, so my father participated in the chef’s party which held at Hong Kong. All the chefs were the best. Finally, my father got a Gold Plate. A Chinese ambassador liked my father’s food, so he wanted my father to cook food for him. However, at that time, my father had a good job at my hometown. He had a high salary and high status at the biggest hotel which was still exists right now. This was my father first time to face this quandary. In the period, most people believed that working for their motherland was a very proud thing, and so did my father. Thereby, after two days, my father told the ambassador that he was pleasured to work for him. He did not consider me because I was too young at that time, and I needed a father to surround and watch over me. He did not even think about my family. My father is a male chauvinist, so most time he did not consult with my family. My mother and I did not know that he would work abroad. Although he has changed his bad behavior right now, I still remember this affair because he ignored my family’s feeling.

Secondly, my father made my family too sad because he did not go home for a long time. My father and ambassador had a contract that my father must work for the ambassador for five years. My mother did not complain to her husband because she knew that he did this just for my family. He could earn more money abroad. As you know, if your parents are not close with you, you must be sad and miss them when some important festivals come, such as marriage anniversary, birthday, and New Year and so on. Even though my father called us every weekend, we still hoped that he stayed with us. To me, some times I loathed to see most children were playing with their parents because I did not have father’s love. I hated my father, I was angry to him, and I did not want to talk to him when he called me. However, when I grew up, I realized my father why he did this, and how hard he was. I can excuse him because he is my father, but I can not forget that he did not stay with me for five years.

Finally, after five years, our family was reunified, but I did not have more words to my father because it was a long time that we had not seen each other. When my father came back to home from Cyprus, my mother and I picked him up at the airport. Once we met, he gave me a hug, but I even did not know how to talk with him, or what kind of question I should ask him. We stayed together everyday, and he game me a lot of gifts and other things. I did not say anything except thanks dad. I knew that he really changed himself in front of me because he knew that he owed me a lot. He cooked food everyday, sent me to school, and played games with me, but I did not change my mind. I did not know why. Till now, I still did not want to talk with him to much. There is a very huge generation gap between us. Maybe this generation gap we could not fix forever.

In conclusion, there are three main influences because my father changed his job and lest us. Because I was young at that time and did not see my father for five years. It was a long time, and it changed my love for my father. Even though we are being together at America, I could not forget that he lest me for a long time when I was young. I count that I did not see my father about ten years at least. I know that my father did everything just for my family, but he ignored my mother and his son’s feeling. I could not hate him, but I could not forgive him. If time can return, I really hope that my father would not go to Hong Kong and participated in that party!

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