A new government, people scared about the economic system would be collapse. There was a penetrating change of Hong Kong in 1997 when it was handed over to China from the United Kingdom this was also a controversial topic. By the time people in Hong Kong also concerned about it, some of them were worrying about how many changes after that some of them were afraid that they would lose their job or be decreased salary, some of them were wondering if it is better than ever before under the new government. People did not release a good comment to the future government. At the same time, the ritual of Hong Kong handed over lead me and my family to feel totally anxious.

First of all, my family thought that it was no longer suitable to stay in Hong Kong, since we did not believe the new government would have insight. Before the hand-over of Hong Kong, there was a good economic system under the United Kingdom government. People were living in a wonderful atmosphere, were enjoying their life, and were proud to live in Hong Kong. In fact, there was a big difference compared with China. My family was afraid that we would be in the same condition as Chinese and lost confidence to live in Hong Kong because we did not believe that Hong Kong would be as well under the new government as when it was under the United Kingdom government. My family worried that a number of people with ability and money would run away from Hong Kong, and the index of stock market would decrease, and as a result, cause the economic system to collapse. My family was afraid the environment would not be an appropriate city for us to live.

Furthermore, I was concerned that my English would been getting worse, when the new educational policy was enforced which would educate everyone in Cantonese instead of English. On the other hand, Mandarin was getting more important due to it is a major language in China. At that time, I was going to move up to a secondary school in a while, so that was why I worried about if I could still study on English as well as ever before.
Eventually, not only people who lived in Hong Kong were concerned about their identity, but my family also worried about where the international position we were in the world. My family wondered if Hong Kong could integrate with China. We would not be an England citizen anymore after Hong Kong was handed over. Conversely, we thought that we were not real citizens of Chinese caused by “One Country Two System”. “One Country Two System” is a latest policy in the world, which means we have a different constitution from China. We have our own government, but we all knew the supreme authority is in Communist Party of China’s hand. Nevertheless, many people were going to be Chinese unwillingly. As the result of all the reasons above, we were really confused and concerned about our identity between England and China.

As you can see, my family was influenced before Hong Kong was handed over, which lead to a psychological change. You would have no idea how much the handing over meant to us. We were lead to feel anxious and worried. However, in fact, it was no worth to worry about it because the ability of competition of Hong Kong is still powerful. Even though Hong Kong experienced a financial crisis, the economic system is getting better from now on. Otherwise, the real income of Hong Kong government was over the prediction last year, so that we still think that there is no other place as suitable as Hong Kong as for us to live in.
I think that the result of "hand over"was not bad...
Thanks for your thoughtful and honest comments about you and your family's feelings about the hand over.
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