Monday, March 24, 2008

"The Counte Of Monte Christo"

This is the title of the first book , that i had to read and is about a very young sailor, that after a series of unplesant events, will autointitulate himself:"The Counte of Monte Christo".This whole story takes place around the year 1860-1870 and it happens in France. The action takes place at the same time , when Napoleon, The King of France was exilated to the island of Elba.The main character is involved,without his knoledge ,in a very promiscuous situation . He is asked to deliver a letter, that he brought with him from Elba, to a different person from Paris.When the authorities fund out about that , he was immediatlly arrested for interogation. He is released, but after few days, right in the day of his wedding , he is arrested again. He is sent to a high security prison , with very limited chances of escape, because the prison is located on the highest peak of an unpopulated island.
The years had passed, and somehow he is making friends with another convict. That man was preatty sure that he is in the possesion of a map, of a treasure that is hidden on the island of Monte Christo, only that the map was half missing! Now the question is ,if our character will ever make it out of the prison and if he will ever find the treasure?

I have fund the book very interesting and easy to read.I enjoyed the story and i couldn't let the book out of my hands.I recomend it highly, as an afternoon book, even though, the original script contains few hundreds of pages.Its a lovely book.

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