The book included five seperate stories. These stories about selective thinking. It means that it gives good and interesting stories to you , and you need to think about that again.
1st- The Fruitcake Special.
Anna was a chemist who made perfume. One day she made a perfume"Intrigu" accidently. After that time, when she used it, everymen loved her. She tried to find the secret.
2nd- The Real Aunt Molly
Aunt Molly was calm and silent woman. After her hushand, Dalton, was died, she had twins. She was scary about going out. So, the children gave chance to her. One day, they went to broadcast and aunt Molly got hyponosis by an expert hypnotist, Maxell Marrel. The important thing was that the hypnotist was died before he had released his order to aunt Molly. What should others do?
3rd- Brains
A smart scientist, Gina Capaldi, had been studying a monkey, Max, about being smarter. She had made a medicine and wanted to support from Mr. Theodora Dimitre. She got suggestion from him and she became happy. But How is the Max?
4th- The book of Thoghts
One man, who was very smart and became junior manager at a big company. Chester, his name, bought a book in one day and he was known about people's thinking while he was seeing the book. What is his future?
5th - Finder Keepers.
Harry Chen was a professor of archaeology and also a thief. He found a small whistle in historical place. He took it by himself. It gave him to small but big chance. What happened?
I read these five stories and thought about if I do that, what should I do? Something was a fairy tail and something was a normal life. It made me diverse thinking.
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