Dante was a sail man from French, when his captain fells ill, they stop for help in the nearest island, which happens to be where Napoleon was. He asks Dante to deliver a letter to a fiend in Marseile, France. While, all this happened the captain of the ship did, and Dante took the charge of being in front to the crew. Once, he is on Marseile, he looks for Mercedes. He wants to get married with her before he left to France to give to latter to Napoleon’s friend. In the day Dante and Mercedes were getting married he got arrested, and sent it to the tribunals. The judges send Dante to a cell, which it was famous because who ever prisoner get in won’t ever come out alive. For 13 years Edmond is hide in Chateau D’if . Edmond escaped from D’it thanks to the help of the priest who died and latter Edmond took his place, so he can escape. What it happens latter it seems to be more interesting that what it happens in the beginning of the story.
I truly recommend this book to read! Le lecture is easy to understand, If you have the opportunity to watch to movie do it, is also good.
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