Monday, March 17, 2008

Two Lives (Book Club)

Two lives… In a small village, Megan and Huw grew up together; they were good friend. As they became teenager, the friendship continued and they fall in love with each other. However, many things happened that hindered they stay together; they had to part. Huw moved to Canada with his father, while Megan still stayed at the small village; however, Megan pregnant…

Gone the happy day when they played together. Was their love strong enough to last, after fifty years later? Guess...

After I read this book, I just think that if I was Megan, I would choose other lover because of promise. Maybe, choose other live is also a good choice for me. I also think that fifty years is pretty long. Actually, I am not sure the memory of their love could still clear after fifty years and the feeling of love never disappear between this fifty years.

Whatever, it just what I think, you can read it and enjoy. ~\^.^/~


michael scofield said...


Lixing said...

What happened?????

michael scofield said...

no..i just wondering why there is only one post here!!