Thursday, February 28, 2008

Music safe my live!

Music safe my live!

Probably you are asking yourself why music is so important for me. Since I was little I grow up most of the time being by myself, I was a solitary person. I took me an ultra special effort from me to start getting involved with people, but before that happened, music was there for me. I could spend the all day listening to music even if I got to bed I’ll go with them. I don’t what talk about ipod because is just on abject, what is important for me is what is it. Music is a feeling that we might not be able to prove by just telling someone our thoughts. I can be able to take music to any place that I go, any where I am I can be able to listen to what makes me feel good and excited according to my mood. Sometimes I might feel up set or something, music is a good option to let go your bad feelings and stressful thoughts. That’s why I said music safe my life.
I can’t imagine myself without music; it will be like rain without a rainbow that is what brings color to it. I am so very thankful to the music writers and good voices that interpreted the song.

wassup guys!!

welcome to the new fantasy ESL class..i will let u guys have a exciting trip..enjoy it!!M scofield!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Class Blog Assignment 1

What would you hold?

What object holds the most meaning for your life? What represents everything you hold precious? What will you keep for as long as you live, carefully boxed and moved from place to place as situations in your life change?

The object must be small enough to hold in your hands.· Write with the object near you, reflect on its meaning, describe and explain its importance.· Take a photo of the object in your hands.· Limit 200-250 words

Post the picture and your writing.· Carefully edit your writing for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.· Read and respond to at least two others.

Reference: Important Things, Classroom Book Project


Welcome to our Class Blog. We will use this blog to read and share our writing.