Music safe my live!
Probably you are asking yourself why music is so important for me. Since I was little I grow up most of the time being by myself, I was a solitary person. I took me an ultra special effort from me to start getting involved with people, but before that happened, music was there for me. I could spend the all day listening to music even if I got to bed I’ll go with them. I don’t what talk about ipod because is just on abject, what is important for me is what is it. Music is a feeling that we might not be able to prove by just telling someone our thoughts. I can be able to take music to any place that I go, any where I am I can be able to listen to what makes me feel good and excited according to my mood. Sometimes I might feel up set or something, music is a good option to let go your bad feelings and stressful thoughts. That’s why I said music safe my life.
I can’t imagine myself without music; it will be like rain without a rainbow that is what brings color to it. I am so very thankful to the music writers and good voices that interpreted the song.
You are creative. This picture is powerful~~~~~~~~~~~.....The hand is not yours.....
I can tell that music is very important to you.
me too, music is important to me 2!!i swear!!i cant live without it.
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